Community Message | The Edward

A Message to Our Community Regarding COVID-19


We are fortunate that here in Alberta, we have been identified by the provincial government as an essential service, and therefore remain operational. This requires that all employees, trades and contractors who work for Optima Living and The Edward are following COVID-19 safety protocols put in place by AHS on an ongoing basis.

We are confident that by working together as a company and community, we will overcome this challenging time. Included below is an overview of the steps we’re taking now:

We put health and safety first.

At The Edward, our commitment to ensuring a healthy and safe environment for our people, our residents and our greater community remains unwavering. It is always our top priority – learn more about the many COVID-19 features and considerations that make The Edward a smart choice for retirement living.

We are also committed to maintaining our day-to-day operations to the fullest extent possible. The Edward is open and following all guidelines and best practices set forth by Alberta Health Services (AHS). We are constantly monitoring the latest protocols and directives, and are acting quickly to take any and all necessary steps.

The Edward’s leasing office is open by appointment and for private tours.

We are open for business, and here for you.

We are fortunate that here in Alberta, we have been identified by the provincial government as an essential service, and therefore remain operational. This requires that all employees, trades and contractors who work for Section23 Developments and The Edward are following COVID-19 safety protocols put in place by AHS on an ongoing basis.

Our Leasing Office is open to welcome visitors by appointment, Monday-Sunday from Noon-5 pm. We are also available outside regular business hours by appointment (in-person, telephone, email, FaceTime and video chat). Our team is available at your convenience, so if you have any questions at all, or are interested in learning more about reserving a suite at The Edward, our Leasing Specialist is here to help. We also have floorplans and brochures to share in-person or digitally, and can facilitate electronic document signing as needed.

We’ll stay connected.

Open communication is essential to staying connected at this time.

While we monitor the changing situation day by day, we’re also finding new ways to deliver on The Edward’s high standard for attentive service. Please contact us at any time with a question, need or concern. There are bound to be questions — we encourage you to reach out to our team.

We are stronger together.

Our hearts go out to everyone who has been affected by this unprecedented event, and we are immensely grateful to the healthcare and essential workers who are on the front line of this fight, helping to contain the virus and keep us all safe.

There is no question that this is a time of uncertainty, but we are 100% confident that by supporting each other, we will all emerge from this stronger, more innovative, and better connected than ever before.

Please stay safe and healthy, take care of your family and of each other. While we’re apart temporarily, we’re still one community, and we’re still together.